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North Korea

By Aziz

North Korea is a country in Asia. It was separated from South Korea after WW2. North Korea is a communist country.  The Kim family leads the country. Kim Jong Un is now leading North Korea. They use the majority of their money for nuclear weapons, Mass Games and for the military. North Korea is filled with propaganda. Propaganda means that they do fake news.

In North Korea they have a Mass Games. It’s like a parade.

The capital of North Korea is Pyongyang. Their population is about 24.76 million people. The currency is the North Korea Won. Their government is a family dictatorship. The Blue Jean is not allowed in North Korea. The freedom of haircut too. If you break any laws 3 generations of your family will be in jail.




By Melodie

First, the South and North Korea was the same country, but the North Korea attacked the South Korea to have all the land. On the side of North Korea there were Russia and China but on the South Korea `s side 16 countries helped fight with South Korea in the Korean war. It`s the 38th parallel that separated South and North Korea. It has DMZ, a place where you`re in the South and North Korea. Their capital is Seoul.25% of the women do plastic surgery because they think they`re going to have a better job. In South Korea man and woman put make up.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour It has the flame of the Olympics that will never burn out. South Korea is capitalist which mean that you have freedom. In South Korea they have popular music genre named K-Pop which mean Korean-Pop. THEY also invented the Taekwondo a martial arts sport. Now you know all the things that you need to know about South Korea.




By Adam

Dubai is a beautiful city in the north of the United Arab Emirates. It’s the most populated city in the country. Dubai is home of the Burj Khalifa. This tower is about 803m tall and the tallest in the world. It’s very normal that you can see lions, tigers or cheetahs because the people who live here have these animals in pet. Dubai is a very rich country, that’s why a lot of the police car are Lamborghini, Ferrari or Bugatti. You can also have gold cars to drive. Like each country, they still have some people with out money. It’s why it has a lot of vending machine free for food. They’re also some gold ATM little bit everywhere in the city to buy gold.



By Constance


Résultats de recherche d'images pour « india »India is a beautiful country. In this country cows are sacred. They can walk in the road like you. In India we have the popular Taj Mahal. The Taj Mahal was built for the favorite wife of the emperor. After, the construction the emperor cut off all the hands of the people who built it, so like that no people can do another one. The country has a beautiful bird. This bird is called the peacock. They have also a big animal called the Bengal tiger. You can also find more phones than toilets here!!! In India, they have delicious food like curry. This country is the country of spices. Elephants are sometimes used for work. This is a beautiful country if you want one day to go there!



Résultats de recherche d'images pour « Indonesia flag »By Samir

Indonesia is an archipelago in southeast Asia. The capital is Jakarta.

The population is about 255 million people. The language is Indonesian

and the name of currency is Rupiah. The largest islands are Sumatra, Java,

Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and west Papua. The Indonesian islands are very

Mountainous with dense tropical rain forests. Tropical rainforests

are home to many animals like Komodo dragon, rhinos, tigers, orangutans,

Elephants, and leopards. Indonesia is very hot and humid. Indonesia has

A multicultural society with more than 300 ethnic groups. Manufacturing is

an important sector of the Indonesian economy and in this sector they

produced many good things like clothing, chemicals, electronics, and

Image result for indonesia Image result for indonesiamachinery.40% of the population works in the agriculture industry. Rice is the most important crop, but they also produce palm oil, rubber, sugarcane, and coffee.

Image result for indonesia Image result for indonesia






     J Komodo dragon J

By Rosa

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « baby komodo dragon »Résultats de recherche d'images pour « komodo dragon »Komodo Dragons are cute and gorgeous creatures, but they are also very dangerous. They are the biggest reptile in the world. They can weigh over 300 pounds and can grow up to 10 feet tall! It has a long tail. They are very strong and has an agile neck. They usually have a mix of green, brown and grey but the males have usually a stone color with big, large scales. Komodo Dragons are carnivores. They will eat every single animal they catch no matter big or small. They are very sneaky animals. It likes to hide in bushes and wait it prey to come. If a Komodo Drago bites an animal, usually it will die 24 hours later because it has more than 50 bacteria in their mouth. Sadly, Komodo Dragons are endangered animals. L People hunt or poach them; also natural disaster are destroying their homes.                                                   


                          MOUNT EVEREST

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Juliette

Mount Everest is the highest peak on the earth! It’s 8848m high! The youngest person who climbed it was only 13 years old! To climb Mount Everest, we need a person called ``Sherpa``. Sherpas are very useful because they know all of the way to go to the top of the Mount Everest. Also, they are adapted to live in very cold conditions. They live in the Himalayans. The Himalayans touch 6 countries: Nepal, China, India, Bhutan, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. If you die on the mountain, the Sherpa’s not going to take you back to the entrance. So, you’re going to freeze in the for the rest of eternity! When you climb the mountain, sometimes you need to walk on the bodies of the people who died. There one Sherpa climbed 2 times Everest in one week and another Sherpa climbed Everest in all of his life. The original name of the Mount Everest is Peak 15!

The Himalayan yak

By Saoume

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « interesting about yaks »Yaks are beautiful, awesome and wonderful animals. They can grow up to 6.5 feet and weigh 2200 pounds .Wild one are bigger than domesticated ones and males are 3 times bigger than females. Yaks can be brown, black or white. They are similar to the buffalo and the bison. They eat most of the time plants. Their main predator is the Tibetan wolf. They live in groups of 10 to 100. Baby yaks stay with their mothers until the age of 1. They can survive 20 years in the wild. Sadly, the numbers of yak decrease because of habitat loss and excessive hunting. Did you know that their milk can make cheese and yogurt? If you ever have the chance to try it many people say that it is a SuPeR fOoD.


By Sirine

Image associéePandas are very cute animals. They have black and white fur. They also have some black fur around their eyes and on their ears. They have a thick fluffy coat that keeps them warm. Two threats against them are habitat loss and they don’t want to make babies. But, humans are helping so much that pandas are no longer endangered. Pandas are herbivores. They eat leaves, steam and a lot of bamboo species. Pandas don’t have a lot of predators. Some of the predators of the panda are jackals, snow leopards and yellow throated martens. Pandas usually live in mountains and in cool and humid bamboo forest in China.


   Interesting facts                                                                       They are very good swimmers.                                       Pandas are a symbol of peace in China.



Image result for USA clipart


Résultats de recherche d'images pour « african american slave »African American History

By Arnauld

African Americans History Month begins with African begin transported to the USA. They are mistreated because the white Americans think their race are superior. Africans who were brought to the USA were brought as work on a plantation, but they do not make money. It’s not the Americans who take the Africans but other African because if they do not do this the American were going to kill them. The slaves were freed but then suffered from segregation. Segregation means to separate white and black people. They did segregation in schools, toilets, trains and sports. The white people got all the good stuff while the black people were mistreated. Malcom X, Martin Luther King Jr, and Rosa Parks were people who fight for the equality between black and white people. But there were people who did not want to see equality; for example, the KKK. The KKK are supremacists who want to kill all the black people, and being a supremacist is worse than being a racist.


September 11

By Nazim

September 11 in 2001 was the date when 19 terrorists hijacked 4 commercial airplanes to destroy the twin towers. After the hijacked Flight 175 struck floors 77 to 85 of the South Tower (the 2 WTC) and it destroyed it. The South Tower collapse causing fires and killing many people. But sometimes after the fourth hijacked plane crash in an empty field in Pennsylvania. These attack nearly killed 3,000 people:2,753 in NYC ,184 at the Pentagon and 40 in Flight 93.The leader was Osama Bin Laden and he did it because of political affairs.

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « twin towers »


By Alia

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « superhero »There are many superheroes like Batman, Wonder Woman and Black Widow.

Here are my 4 favorites: Doctor Strange is arrogant and very intelligent. He is not super strong, but he is magical. Spiderman is funny and social. He is not strong, but he is intelligent. He uses his wets to help him win is fight. Wonder Woman is very strong. She is determined to help and never gives up. She is fearless. Superman is gentle and selfless. He helps others. He is not aggressive. He is strong.

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « Paul de Gelder with a shark »These are superheroes that we should know about: Wells Crowther save many people at the age of 24 years old. Terry Fox, at the age of 18 years old was diagnosed with bone cancer and had to have his legs cut off. So, he started is ‘‘ Marathon of hope’’ a run across the Canada. Along his route, people would make donations to his cause.

Paul de Gelder missing an arm and a leg because of sharks.  Instead of being scared of sharks, Paul as dedicated his life to helping them.


              All about sharks

By Max

Sharks are very cute and gentle creatures that live in the ocean. There are lots of shark families like filter feeders or ground dwellers. Sharks are fish and like fish they have gills. Gills are a body part that sharks need to breathe underwater. Sharks eat everything they can like fish seals or dolphins. Some people see sharks like monsters, but sharks are cute creatures. My favorite shark is whale sharks because we can swim with them. Whales sharks are filter feeders. It means that they eat krill and little fish. Like you see there is lots of shark species so what is your favorite one? Scientists have proved that sharks are very important for the ecosystem. At the left you have an ecosystem.

If you take the carnivores away, you will have too much herbivores that will eat all the producers so there will be no food for herbivores so they will die and there will be no life, so sharks are important. I hope you have learned something by reading this.

Image result for nile vs amazon

                                         The Amazon

By Axelle

The Amazon is across South America. It touches Brazil, Equador,

Colombia, Venezuela, Peru and Bolivia. It has so many animals

that live in Amazon like Sloths, Jaguars,

insects, The Amazon Rainforest has

4 levels, the Emergent Layer, the Canopy,

the Understory and the Forest Floor. The Emergent Layer is the level with the trees, and birds live there.

Canopy is the level where it has branches, two animals that live there are monkeys and sloths ( it has other animals that live there too). The Understory is a level between the Canopy and the Forest floor, one of the animals that live there are jaguars. Forest floor is a level where insects, frog and other animals live there. The area of the Amazon is 5,5 million km2.        

By : Maude Melo

Today, I’m going to talk about a very special river.

The Nile


Résultats de recherche d'images pour « the Nile »The Nile is the longest river in the world. It crosses 10 countries. What is very special about the Nile is that the water goes backwards. That means that the water goes south to north. It starts in Burundi and it finishes in the Mediterranean Sea. It has many dangerous animals like hippos and crocodiles. A man named Levison Wood walked the length of the Nile. It took him 9 months to do so. The name Nile comes from the Greek word “Neilos” which means ``river valley``. There are many fish in the Nile. The most important one is named Tilapia. The Nile has two tributaries, the White Nile and the Blue Nile. You can take a trip on a boat there. There are many mosquitoes there. The mosquitoes are dangerous insects that can transfer malaria. Before, the Egyptians washed the dead bodies in the Nile. This is why you shouldn’t drink this water!



Sloths are very cute very slow animals. They live in Central and South America. There are two families of sloths: two-toed and three-toed sloths. The sloths all really have three toes, it is their claws on their hands where they have two or three. There are 6 different kinds of sloths, like the pygmy sloth (picture on the right) and the Hoffman sloth. Their diet consists of eating leaves with very few nutrients in them. That is what makes them slow and Image result for pygmy slothonly go to the toilet once a week! Surprisingly, they are very good swimmers. So, if they fall into the water, they can swim to safety! They are very important for the environment, because their poop fertilizes the ground.



Awesome fish from around the world.

By Olivier

Around the world the fish are very impressionable for many reasons. For example, the tilapia is a fish in the Nile   who is very important because they eat   mosquitos and prevent their diseases. The sharks are very important because they eat the carcasses of whales and the carcasses produce many gasses which make pollution. Arapaima are a big fish that can jump out of the water. Sometimes the arapaima kill people when it jumps out of the water. Electric eels can produce electricity. They can light more than 12 bulbs. The vampire fish have giant teeth like a vampire. The pacu is a fish with human teeth. Piranhas are not dangerous for humans but when they think their babies are in danger they attack. In conclusion, I think we need to protect these awesome fish.

Image result for Asia clipart


North Korea

By Aziz

North Korea is a country in Asia. It was separated from South Korea after WW2. North Korea is a communist country.  The Kim family leads the country. Kim Jong Un is now leading North Korea. They use the majority of their money for nuclear weapons, Mass Games and for the military. North Korea is filled with propaganda. Propaganda means that they do fake news.

In North Korea they have a Mass Games. It’s like a parade.

The capital of North Korea is Pyongyang. Their population is about 24.76 million people. The currency is the North Korea Won. Their government is a family dictatorship. The Blue Jean is not allowed in North Korea. The freedom of haircut too. If you break any laws 3 generations of your family will be in jail.




By Melodie

First, the South and North Korea was the same country, but the North Korea attacked the South Korea to have all the land. On the side of North Korea there were Russia and China but on the South Korea `s side 16 countries helped fight with South Korea in the Korean war. It`s the 38th parallel that separated South and North Korea. It has DMZ, a place where you`re in the South and North Korea. Their capital is Seoul.25% of the women do plastic surgery because they think they`re going to have a better job. In South Korea man and woman put make up.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour It has the flame of the Olympics that will never burn out. South Korea is capitalist which mean that you have freedom. In South Korea they have popular music genre named K-Pop which mean Korean-Pop. THEY also invented the Taekwondo a martial arts sport. Now you know all the things that you need to know about South Korea.




By Adam

Dubai is a beautiful city in the north of the United Arab Emirates. It’s the most populated city in the country. Dubai is home of the Burj Khalifa. This tower is about 803m tall and the tallest in the world. It’s very normal that you can see lions, tigers or cheetahs because the people who live here have these animals in pet. Dubai is a very rich country, that’s why a lot of the police car are Lamborghini, Ferrari or Bugatti. You can also have gold cars to drive. Like each country, they still have some people with out money. It’s why it has a lot of vending machine free for food. They’re also some gold ATM little bit everywhere in the city to buy gold.



By Constance


Résultats de recherche d'images pour « india »India is a beautiful country. In this country cows are sacred. They can walk in the road like you. In India we have the popular Taj Mahal. The Taj Mahal was built for the favorite wife of the emperor. After, the construction the emperor cut off all the hands of the people who built it, so like that no people can do another one. The country has a beautiful bird. This bird is called the peacock. They have also a big animal called the Bengal tiger. You can also find more phones than toilets here!!! In India, they have delicious food like curry. This country is the country of spices. Elephants are sometimes used for work. This is a beautiful country if you want one day to go there!



Résultats de recherche d'images pour « Indonesia flag »By Samir

Indonesia is an archipelago in southeast Asia. The capital is Jakarta.

The population is about 255 million people. The language is Indonesian

and the name of currency is Rupiah. The largest islands are Sumatra, Java,

Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and west Papua. The Indonesian islands are very

Mountainous with dense tropical rain forests. Tropical rainforests

are home to many animals like Komodo dragon, rhinos, tigers, orangutans,

Elephants, and leopards. Indonesia is very hot and humid. Indonesia has

A multicultural society with more than 300 ethnic groups. Manufacturing is

an important sector of the Indonesian economy and in this sector they

produced many good things like clothing, chemicals, electronics, and

Image result for indonesia Image result for indonesiamachinery.40% of the population works in the agriculture industry. Rice is the most important crop, but they also produce palm oil, rubber, sugarcane, and coffee.

Image result for indonesia Image result for indonesia






     J Komodo dragon J

By Rosa

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « baby komodo dragon »Résultats de recherche d'images pour « komodo dragon »Komodo Dragons are cute and gorgeous creatures, but they are also very dangerous. They are the biggest reptile in the world. They can weigh over 300 pounds and can grow up to 10 feet tall! It has a long tail. They are very strong and has an agile neck. They usually have a mix of green, brown and grey but the males have usually a stone color with big, large scales. Komodo Dragons are carnivores. They will eat every single animal they catch no matter big or small. They are very sneaky animals. It likes to hide in bushes and wait it prey to come. If a Komodo Drago bites an animal, usually it will die 24 hours later because it has more than 50 bacteria in their mouth. Sadly, Komodo Dragons are endangered animals. L People hunt or poach them; also natural disaster are destroying their homes.                                                   


                          MOUNT EVEREST

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Juliette

Mount Everest is the highest peak on the earth! It’s 8848m high! The youngest person who climbed it was only 13 years old! To climb Mount Everest, we need a person called ``Sherpa``. Sherpas are very useful because they know all of the way to go to the top of the Mount Everest. Also, they are adapted to live in very cold conditions. They live in the Himalayans. The Himalayans touch 6 countries: Nepal, China, India, Bhutan, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. If you die on the mountain, the Sherpa’s not going to take you back to the entrance. So, you’re going to freeze in the for the rest of eternity! When you climb the mountain, sometimes you need to walk on the bodies of the people who died. There one Sherpa climbed 2 times Everest in one week and another Sherpa climbed Everest in all of his life. The original name of the Mount Everest is Peak 15!

The Himalayan yak

By Saoume

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « interesting about yaks »Yaks are beautiful, awesome and wonderful animals. They can grow up to 6.5 feet and weigh 2200 pounds .Wild one are bigger than domesticated ones and males are 3 times bigger than females. Yaks can be brown, black or white. They are similar to the buffalo and the bison. They eat most of the time plants. Their main predator is the Tibetan wolf. They live in groups of 10 to 100. Baby yaks stay with their mothers until the age of 1. They can survive 20 years in the wild. Sadly, the numbers of yak decrease because of habitat loss and excessive hunting. Did you know that their milk can make cheese and yogurt? If you ever have the chance to try it many people say that it is a SuPeR fOoD.


By Sirine

Image associéePandas are very cute animals. They have black and white fur. They also have some black fur around their eyes and on their ears. They have a thick fluffy coat that keeps them warm. Two threats against them are habitat loss and they don’t want to make babies. But, humans are helping so much that pandas are no longer endangered. Pandas are herbivores. They eat leaves, steam and a lot of bamboo species. Pandas don’t have a lot of predators. Some of the predators of the panda are jackals, snow leopards and yellow throated martens. Pandas usually live in mountains and in cool and humid bamboo forest in China.


   Interesting facts                                                                       They are very good swimmers.                                       Pandas are a symbol of peace in China.



Image result for USA clipart


Résultats de recherche d'images pour « african american slave »African American History

By Arnauld

African Americans History Month begins with African begin transported to the USA. They are mistreated because the white Americans think their race are superior. Africans who were brought to the USA were brought as work on a plantation, but they do not make money. It’s not the Americans who take the Africans but other African because if they do not do this the American were going to kill them. The slaves were freed but then suffered from segregation. Segregation means to separate white and black people. They did segregation in schools, toilets, trains and sports. The white people got all the good stuff while the black people were mistreated. Malcom X, Martin Luther King Jr, and Rosa Parks were people who fight for the equality between black and white people. But there were people who did not want to see equality; for example, the KKK. The KKK are supremacists who want to kill all the black people, and being a supremacist is worse than being a racist.


September 11

By Nazim

September 11 in 2001 was the date when 19 terrorists hijacked 4 commercial airplanes to destroy the twin towers. After the hijacked Flight 175 struck floors 77 to 85 of the South Tower (the 2 WTC) and it destroyed it. The South Tower collapse causing fires and killing many people. But sometimes after the fourth hijacked plane crash in an empty field in Pennsylvania. These attack nearly killed 3,000 people:2,753 in NYC ,184 at the Pentagon and 40 in Flight 93.The leader was Osama Bin Laden and he did it because of political affairs.

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « twin towers »


By Alia

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « superhero »There are many superheroes like Batman, Wonder Woman and Black Widow.

Here are my 4 favorites: Doctor Strange is arrogant and very intelligent. He is not super strong, but he is magical. Spiderman is funny and social. He is not strong, but he is intelligent. He uses his wets to help him win is fight. Wonder Woman is very strong. She is determined to help and never gives up. She is fearless. Superman is gentle and selfless. He helps others. He is not aggressive. He is strong.

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « Paul de Gelder with a shark »These are superheroes that we should know about: Wells Crowther save many people at the age of 24 years old. Terry Fox, at the age of 18 years old was diagnosed with bone cancer and had to have his legs cut off. So, he started is ‘‘ Marathon of hope’’ a run across the Canada. Along his route, people would make donations to his cause.

Paul de Gelder missing an arm and a leg because of sharks.  Instead of being scared of sharks, Paul as dedicated his life to helping them.


              All about sharks

By Max

Sharks are very cute and gentle creatures that live in the ocean. There are lots of shark families like filter feeders or ground dwellers. Sharks are fish and like fish they have gills. Gills are a body part that sharks need to breathe underwater. Sharks eat everything they can like fish seals or dolphins. Some people see sharks like monsters, but sharks are cute creatures. My favorite shark is whale sharks because we can swim with them. Whales sharks are filter feeders. It means that they eat krill and little fish. Like you see there is lots of shark species so what is your favorite one? Scientists have proved that sharks are very important for the ecosystem. At the left you have an ecosystem.

If you take the carnivores away, you will have too much herbivores that will eat all the producers so there will be no food for herbivores so they will die and there will be no life, so sharks are important. I hope you have learned something by reading this.

Image result for nile vs amazon

                                         The Amazon

By Axelle

The Amazon is across South America. It touches Brazil, Equador,

Colombia, Venezuela, Peru and Bolivia. It has so many animals

that live in Amazon like Sloths, Jaguars,

insects, The Amazon Rainforest has

4 levels, the Emergent Layer, the Canopy,

the Understory and the Forest Floor. The Emergent Layer is the level with the trees, and birds live there.

Canopy is the level where it has branches, two animals that live there are monkeys and sloths ( it has other animals that live there too). The Understory is a level between the Canopy and the Forest floor, one of the animals that live there are jaguars. Forest floor is a level where insects, frog and other animals live there. The area of the Amazon is 5,5 million km2.        

By : Maude Melo

Today, I’m going to talk about a very special river.

The Nile


Résultats de recherche d'images pour « the Nile »The Nile is the longest river in the world. It crosses 10 countries. What is very special about the Nile is that the water goes backwards. That means that the water goes south to north. It starts in Burundi and it finishes in the Mediterranean Sea. It has many dangerous animals like hippos and crocodiles. A man named Levison Wood walked the length of the Nile. It took him 9 months to do so. The name Nile comes from the Greek word “Neilos” which means ``river valley``. There are many fish in the Nile. The most important one is named Tilapia. The Nile has two tributaries, the White Nile and the Blue Nile. You can take a trip on a boat there. There are many mosquitoes there. The mosquitoes are dangerous insects that can transfer malaria. Before, the Egyptians washed the dead bodies in the Nile. This is why you shouldn’t drink this water!



Sloths are very cute very slow animals. They live in Central and South America. There are two families of sloths: two-toed and three-toed sloths. The sloths all really have three toes, it is their claws on their hands where they have two or three. There are 6 different kinds of sloths, like the pygmy sloth (picture on the right) and the Hoffman sloth. Their diet consists of eating leaves with very few nutrients in them. That is what makes them slow and Image result for pygmy slothonly go to the toilet once a week! Surprisingly, they are very good swimmers. So, if they fall into the water, they can swim to safety! They are very important for the environment, because their poop fertilizes the ground.



Awesome fish from around the world.

By Olivier

Around the world the fish are very impressionable for many reasons. For example, the tilapia is a fish in the Nile   who is very important because they eat   mosquitos and prevent their diseases. The sharks are very important because they eat the carcasses of whales and the carcasses produce many gasses which make pollution. Arapaima are a big fish that can jump out of the water. Sometimes the arapaima kill people when it jumps out of the water. Electric eels can produce electricity. They can light more than 12 bulbs. The vampire fish have giant teeth like a vampire. The pacu is a fish with human teeth. Piranhas are not dangerous for humans but when they think their babies are in danger they attack. In conclusion, I think we need to protect these awesome fish.